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53 definitions found for DA

DADepartment of the Army
DaAerospace Drift (US DoD)
DAAerospace trajectory drift
DADamage Assessment
DADamaged Article
DADartford (postcode, United Kingdom)
DAData Acquisition
DAData Automation
DADays After Acceptance
DADecision Agent (DMS component)
DADecision Altitude
DADefective Article
DADefense Acquisition
DADelayed Action
DADelegated Authority
DADemocratic Alternative (Former Yugolsav Republic of Macedonia)
DADemographic Analysis (statistics; US Census Bureau)
DADentalman Apprentice (Naval rating)
DADepartment of Agriculture (Phillipines)
DADepartment of Audit
DADeparture Approved
DADeployment Assembly (NASA)
DADepot Availability
DADeputy Administrator
DADesign Activity
DADesign Agency (DOE)
DADesign Authority
DADesignated Acquisition Program
DADesignated Agent
DADetonation-Control Algorithm
DADetroit Arsenal (Center Line, MI)
DADeveloping Activity
DADevelopment Application (Australia)
DADevelopment Assistance
DADevolved Administration (UK)
DADifferencing Assembly
DADifferentiated Accountability (US Department of Education)
DADiplomatic Academy (various locations)
DADirect Appointment (source of commission for military officers)
DADirected Action
DADirective Authorization
DADirectorate for Administration (DIA)
DADirectorate of Administration
DADisclosure Authorization
DADiscretionary Absence
DADisproportionate Asset (taxes; India)
DADistribution Assembly (NASA)
DADivisional Accountant (India)
DADivisional Artillery
DADocking Adapter
DADomestic Abuse
DADomestic Affairs (UK ministerial committee)
DADouble Agent (US DoD)

Note: Acronym Finder has 145 other meanings for DA



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