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70 definitions found for MAC

MACChief Machine Accountant (naval rating)
MACMacau (ISO Country code)
MACMagnetic Anomaly Concealment
MACMain Automation Contractor
MACMainland Affairs Council (Taiwan)
MACMaintenance Action Code
MACMaintenance Administration Center
MACMaintenance Allocation Chart
MACMaintenance Availability Computer
MACMajor Area Commander
MACManagement Action Center
MACManagement Ad Hoc Committee
MACManagement Advisory Committee
MACManagement Advisory Council (FAA)
MACManagement and Administrative Computing
MACManeuver Area Command
MACMapping and Analysis Center (FEMA)
MACMarginal Abatement Cost (curve; metric of costs of complying with Kyoto Protocol for reducing greenhouse gases)
MACMarine Amphibious Corps (est. 1942)
MACMaritime Area Commander
MACMarket Access and Compliance (US Department of Commerce)
MACMaterial Accountability and Control
MACMaterial Accounting Center
MACMaterial Accumulation Costing
MACMaterial Adverse Change
MACMateriel Acquisition Command
MACMaximum Amount Contributable (US IRS)
MACMeasurement and Analysis Center
MACMedicaid Authorization Card
MACMedical Affirmative Claims
MACMedicare Administrative Contractor
MACMediterranean Air Command (WWII)
MACMembrane Attack Complex
MACMen's Advisory Counsel/Committee (prisons)
MACMetropolitan Airports Commission
MACMexican-American Commission
MACMichigan Administrative Code
MACMicromechanics Analysis Code (US NASA software)
MACMilitary Affairs Council
MACMilitary Aircraft Command
MACMilitary Airlift Command (US Air Force)
MACMilitary Armament Corporation (produced Mac 10&11 SMGs)
MACMilitary Assistance Command
MACMine Action Center
MACMinister’s Approval Certificate (UK)
MACMinistry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
MACMission Assignment Coordinator
MACMission Assurance Category
MACMitigation Assistance Clinic (US FEMA)
MACMIUW Attack Craft
MACMixed Armistice Commission
MACMobility Augmentation Company
MACMobility Augmentation Company (US Army)
MACMonetary Affairs Committee (East African Community)
MACMonitoring Advisory Committee (various locations)
MACMonitoring and Analysis Coordinator (US FEMA)
MACMonths After Contract
MACMortuary Affairs Coordinator
MACMotor Ambulance Convoy
MACMulti Agency Committee (various locations)
MACMulti Aircraft Control (aviation technology)
MACMulti-Agency Coordinating Entity
MACMulti-Sensor Air Campaign
MACMulti-Static Active Coherent (US Navy)
MACMultiple Access Contract
MACMultiple Award Contracts
MACMultiplying Accumulator
MACMunicipal Advisory Council
MACMunicipal Amateur Coordinator
MACMunitions Assembly Conveyor

Note: Acronym Finder has 190 other meanings for MAC



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