Acronym | Meaning |
CMO | Centre Militaire d'Océanographie (French: Military Oceanography Center) |
CMO | Certificate Management Office |
CMO | Chief Military Observer (US DoD) |
CMO | Circuit Management Office |
CMO | City Managers Office |
CMO | Civil-Military Officer |
CMO | Civil-Military Operations |
CMO | Civil-Military Overview (NATO) |
CMO | Clandestine Mission Objective |
CMO | Collections Management Office(r) (US DoD) |
CMO | Communications and Marketing Office (various locations) |
CMO | Communications Management Organization |
CMO | Configuration Management Office(r) |
CMO | Congés de Maladie Ordinaire (French: Regular Sick Leave) |
CMO | Contract Management Office |
CMO | Controlled Materials Officer |
CMO | Convoy Movement Order |
CMO | Council of Ministers' Office (various organizations) |
CMO | Court of Military Order (Congo) |
CMO | Court-Martial Order (US military) |
CMO | Coverage Mission Order |
CMO | Crisis Management Operations |
CMO | Crisis Management Organization |
CMO | Customs Memorandum Order (Philippines) |