Acronym | Meaning |
DCE | Data Collection Event |
DCE | Defense Combat Evaluation |
DCE | Defense Contract Executive |
DCE | Defense Coordinating Element (MSCA) |
DCE | Department of Civil Engineering |
DCE | Department of Correctional Education (Virginia) |
DCE | Dependent Care Expense |
DCE | Deployment Control Electronics |
DCE | Design Construction Evaluation (USACE) |
DCE | Digital Communications Experiment |
DCE | Directie Coordinatie Emancipatiebeleid (Dutch: Management Coordination Emancipation Policy; Netherlands) |
DCE | Directie Cultureel Erfgoed (Dutch: direction for cultural heritage) |
DCE | Direction de la Coopération Européenne (French: Directorate for European Cooperation; France and EU) |
DCE | Direction du Contre-Espionnage (French: Directorate of Counter-Espionage; Algeria) |
DCE | Directive Cadre sur l'Eau (French: Framework Directive on Water) |
DCE | Director of Civil Engineering (various locations) |
DCE | Disaster Communications Equipment (FEMA) |
DCE | Disaster Control Element |
DCE | Disaster Coordinating Element (FEMA) |
DCE | Distributed Collaborative Execution |
DCE | Documented Categorical Exclusion |
DCE | Dutch Caribbean Airline (Netherlands Antilles, ICAO code) |