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41 definitions found for EP

EPEarth Penetrator
EPEarth Probe
EPEconomic Prosperity
EPEl Paso (Texas)
EPElectronic Prevention
EPElectronic Principles
EPElectronic Printer
EPElectronic Protection (previously ECCM)
EPEmancipation Patent
EPEmergency Preparednesss/Preparation
EPEmergency Procurement (various locations)
EPEmployee Plans
EPEncroachment Partnering
EPEnd-Use Product (environment)
EPEngineer Pamphlet (Army Corps of Engineers)
EPEngineering Phase
EPEnhancement Predicted
EPEnlisted Personnel
EPEntry Point
EPEnvironmental Performance (California)
EPEnvironmental Profile
EPEpoxy Paint
EPEqual Protection (law)
EPEquipment Publication
EPEquivalent Personnel
EPError Propagation
EPEstes Park (Colorado, USA)
EPEuropean Parliament
EPEuropean Patent
EPEvaluation Package
EPEvaluation Plan
EPExército Português
EPExperimental Product
EPExploration Permit
EPExploration Plan
EPExplorer Platform
EPExplosive Package
EPExtended Plan
EPExternal Publication
EPExtramural Programs (National Library of Medicine bureau)
EPTraining Effectiveness Evaluation Plan

Note: Acronym Finder has 128 other meanings for EP



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