Acronym | Meaning |
ISM | Imperiled Species Management (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission) |
ISM | In-Kind Support and Maintenance (supplemental disability benefit) |
ISM | In-Service Manager |
ISM | Independent Stimulation Model |
ISM | Industrial Security Manual |
ISM | Industrial Security Manual (US DoD 5220.22-M) |
ISM | Industrial Staff Member |
ISM | Information Security Manual (Australia) |
ISM | Information Security Markings (national intelligence) |
ISM | Information Services Manager |
ISM | Information Sources Map |
ISM | Information System Manager |
ISM | Information Systems Modernization |
ISM | Insensitive Munitions |
ISM | Installation Spectrum Manager |
ISM | Installation Support Module |
ISM | Institut des Sciences des Microstructures (French; Canada) |
ISM | Institute Sergeant Major (Singapore Armed Forces) |
ISM | Instructional Supplies and Materials (education fee; Canada) |
ISM | Integrated Safety Management (US Department of Energy) |
ISM | Integrated Sight Module |
ISM | Integrated Sustainment Maintenance (Army) |
ISM | Intelligence, Surveillance and Monitoring |
ISM | Intensive Site Monitoring |
ISM | Intensive Support and Monitoring Service (UK) |
ISM | Internal Specifications Maintenance |
ISM | Ministerium des Innern und für Sport (Ministry of the Interior and of Sports; Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) |