Acronym | Meaning |
OSC | Chief Operations Specialist (US Navy) |
OSC | Office of Science (US Department of Energy) |
OSC | Office of Security Cooperation |
OSC | Office of Space Communications (NASA) |
OSC | Office of Special Concerns (Philippines) |
OSC | Office of Standards Compliance |
OSC | Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth (various locations) |
OSC | Office of the State Controller |
OSC | Office Symbol Code |
OSC | Officer's Spouses' Club (USAF) |
OSC | Official Staff Commentary (various organizations) |
OSC | Ohio Supreme Court (judiciary) |
OSC | Old State Capitol (Louisiana) |
OSC | On-Scene Commander |
OSC | On-Scene Coordinator |
OSC | Oneway Subjourney Check for Normal Fares (airfare construction) |
OSC | Open Space Conservation (zoning; various locations) |
OSC | Open Space Council (various locations) |
OSC | Operation Safe Commerce |
OSC | Operational Site Certification |
OSC | Operational Status Check (readiness test step, especially used for voting systems hardware) |
OSC | Operational Support Command (US DoD) |
OSC | Operations Section Chief |
OSC | Operations Support Center |
OSC | Operations Support Command |
OSC | Operations Systems Center |
OSC | Operators Services Complex |
OSC | Optical Sensor Converter |
OSC | Osaka Station City (Osaka, Japan) |
OSC | Other Significant Contributor (status; various organizations) |
OSC | Own Ship's Course |
OSC | Own-Ship Course |