Acronym | Meaning |
PCT | Congolese Labor Party (Republic of the Congo) |
PCT | Paris Convention Treaty |
PCT | Patent Cooperation Treaty (International Patent Cooperation Union) |
PCT | Peace Corps Trainee |
PCT | People-Centred Technologies (Canada) |
PCT | Percent Crop Treated (agriculture statistic) |
PCT | Personal Computer Tape |
PCT | Personnel Control Team |
PCT | Pest Control Team |
PCT | Physical-Chemical Treatment |
PCT | Platform Contribution Transaction (US IRS) |
PCT | Potomac Consolidated TRACON (FAA) |
PCT | Praceta (Portuguese: courtyard; postal usage) |
PCT | Precinct |
PCT | Precinct (election district) |
PCT | Primary Care Trust (UK National Health Service) |
PCT | Product Consistency Testing |
PCT | Production Conformance Test |
PCT | Program Control Team (US DoD) |
PCT | Project Core Team (various organizations) |