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25 definitions found for TMP

TMPTactical Machine Pistol
TMPTactical Military Pistol
TMPTactical Munitions Dispenser
TMPTarget Materials Program
TMPTask Management Plan
TMPTax Matters Partner
TMPTechnical Maintenance Plan (Royal Australian Air Force)
TMPTechnical Management Plan
TMPTechnical Manual Part/Plan
TMPTechnology Master Planning
TMPTelecommunications Management Program (US DoD)
TMPTerminal Message Processor
TMPTest and Maintenance Processor
TMPTest Management Plan
TMPThe Manhattan Project
TMPTheater Manpower Forces (US DoD)
TMPTimor Portugese (East Timor, former ISO code; now TLS)
TMPTourism Master Plan (various locations)
TMPTraffic Management Plan (various locations)
TMPTraining Management Plan
TMPTransition Management Plan
TMPTransport Mission Pilot
TMPTransportation Management Plan
TMPTransportation Management Program
TMPTransportation Motor Pool

Note: Acronym Finder has 52 other meanings for TMP



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